*****    FIVE STAR RATING - This is our "Top" rating. Team is one of the nicest in the league. Not only do they not cause any problems, but they go beyond the call of duty to show Good Sportsmanship and make your night out feel special. Your team (win or lose) had a "Super" night out. Examples would be for the opposing team to actually remind your own players to mark the 8-ball when it is your own teams turn to shoot the 8. This rating must be accompanied by a written note on the back of the scoresheet describing why you are giving this team such an exceptional rating. (Equivalent to "A" in academics)
****       FOUR STAR RATING - This is our "Target" rating. Team causes absolutely no problems and is a pleasure to play. Your team (win or lose) had a "Great" night out. (Equivalent to "B" in academics)
***         THREE STAR RATING - This is our "Average " rating. No major problems, night went well with only a few "minor" problems. Maybe some minor rule disagreements. Maybe someone's attitude got slightly out of hand, but the opposing team's captain got them in line, apologized for the infraction, and the night continued without further incident. Your team (win or lose) had a "Good" night out. (Equivalent to "C" in academics)
**           TWO STAR RATING - This is a "Poor" rating. Opposing team members in no way threatened or intimidated your players, however they did cause multiple problems while the opposing team captain did nothing to get his/her players under control...enough so your evening wasn't fun. Maybe the opposing team captain made smart or degrading remarks to your players, or called you sandbaggers; maybe they are sore losers and make excuses when they lose; maybe they tried to manipulate our handicapping system by simply banging balls around the table; or maybe they were just rude and unfriendly. Your team (win or lose) did not have a fun night out. (Equivalent to "D" in academics) Write-Up on the back of the scoresheet must accompany this rating!
*          ONE STAR RATING - This is a "Totally Unacceptable" rating. Opposing team members may have threatened or intimidated your players...or have caused multiple "major" problems. Opposing team captain did nothing to get his/her players under control. Your team (win or lose) had a "terrible" night out. (Equivalent to "F" in academics) Write-Up on the back of the scoresheet must accompany this rating!